The Fair Bean prides itself on delivering fresh roasted coffee weekly ensuring that you have the best to make the magic possible. With years of experience we are ready to help you get started and create the coffee that will keep them coming back for more. When you chose us and our unrivaled roasting method you chose to serve the best consistent cup.

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Our Approach 

At The Fair Bean we’re committed to creating amazing coffee experiences. Our passion for the coffee industry comes to life with every single coffee bean we are roasting and each cup of coffee. The quality that we deliver is of utmost importance and that is why we work directly with first-hand distributors. Our passion for specialty coffee is shared with farmers who closely monitor and control the growing, harvesting, and processing stages of the coffee beans.

The Fair Bean roasting style

We chose our roasting style in order to highlight the native quality and complexity of the coffee crops, showcasing the work of the farmers, roasters, baristas, and last but not least, the community that enjoys it. Because of this, we are in the light area of roasting. Our belief is that there is no specific recipe for roasting coffee. Our knowledge taught us why. Our experience taught us how. Our dedication teaches us daily that passion for good coffee is truly what brings people together.